Elisenda Ardèvol and Débora Lanzeni has recently published the chapter “Future in the Ethnographic World” in Researching Emerging and Uncertain Worlds (2017), edited by Salazar, J.F.; Pink, S.; Irving, A.; Sjöberg, J. and published by Bloomsbury.
About Anthropologies and Futures
Table of contents
Notes on Contributors1. A Manifesto for Future Anthropologies
EASA Future Anthropologies Network
2. Anthropology and Futures: Setting the Agenda
Sarah Pink, RMIT, Australia and Juan Francisco Salazar, University of Western Sydney, Australia
3. The Art of Turning Left and Right
Andrew Irving, University of Manchester, UK
4. Cripping the Future: Making Disability Count
Faye Ginsburg and Rayna Rapp, New York University, USA
5. Contemporary Obsessions with Time and the Promise of the Future
Simone Abram, Durham University, UK
6. Pyrenean Rewilding and Colliding Ontological Landscapes: A Future(s) Dwelt-in Ethnographic Approach
Anthony Knight, University of Kent, UK
7. Digital Technologies, Dreams and Disconcertment in Anthropological World-Making
Karen Waltorp, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
8. Future in the Ethnographic World
Débora Lanzeni and Elisenda Ardèvol, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain
9. Researching Future as an Alterity of the Present
Sarah Pink, Yoko Akama and Annie Fergusson, RMIT, Australia
10. Speculative Fabulation: Modes for Researching Worlds to Come in Antarctica
Juan Francisco Salazar, University of Western Sydney, Australia
11. Ethno Science Fiction: Projective Improvisations of Future Scenarios and Environmental Threats in the Everyday Life of British Youth
Johannes Sjöberg, University of Manchester, UK
12.Reaching for the Horizon: Exploring Existential Possibilities of Migration and Movement within the Past-Present-Future through Participatory Animation
Alexandra D’Onofrio, University of Manchester, UK
13. Agency and Dramatic Storytelling: Roving through Pasts, Presents and Futures
Magdalena Kazubowski-Houston, York University, Canada
14. Remix as a Literacy for Future Anthropology Practice
Annette N. Markham, Aarhus University, Denmark
Afterword: Flying toward the Future on the Wings of Wind
Paul Stoller, West Chester University, USA